5-7-18: UPDATE: After Al Franken, the Senator from Minnesota, resigned from the Senate, I wondered whether I should delete this post entirely. I decided to keep it. My “personal,” is that Mr. Franken got a raw deal and was pushed out of the Senate. When he resigned, he did so with great class. At any rate, no matter his retirement from the entertainment business, he gave me and others great laughs. Only really really smart people are that funny, btw.
Below, is one of Al Franken’s last incarnations, that always made me laugh uproariously. In addition, it’s topical. Before DJT became a world menace, this seemed funny. Here it is.
Thank you Al Franken, for your service to the Senate, the people of Minnesota and the U.S.
DOES ANYONE REMEMBER STUART SMALLEY? Stuart was and still is, one of my favorite all-time characters from Saturday Night Live, circa the 1970s and 1980s. He was hilarious. And what is a little bit incredible is that Smalley was created and performed by the current Jr. Senator from Minnesota (D), Al Franken.
When Mr. Franken was a comedy writer and performer, he often transmuted himself into Stuart Smalley, a 12-step, nerd, wearing a bad blond wig, and a stupid smile. Looking into the six-foot tall mirror sitting next to him on stage, he spoke mundane mantras and dispensed self-help advice to celebrities. In a history-making episode, Stuart had his guest, Michael Jordan, repeat positive clichés as a means to increase Jordan’s failing self-esteem. It was classic and epically funny.
Here’s a sample of Stuart on fire:
Stuart Smalley: (to the camera) “I know that last week’s show with Pee Wee Herman did not go over very well, and I’m really sorry. I know. It was bad, but that’s OK. (He turns to the mirror and says to himself): Because I am good enough, smart enough, and doggone-it, people LIKE me.”
Recently, I read Senator Franken’s book, Al Franken, Giant of the Senate and truly enjoyed it. Offering some insights into the workings of the Senate, and politics, in general, is fascinating; and of course, Franken is a really entertaining writer. My takeaway from that read is the absolute need for all Congressmen, Congresswomen, or Senators, to wear a cup.
Politics is a treacherous sport.
In the past few weeks, I’ve watched Al Franken give a great interview on both The View, and Real Time w/ Bill Maher. Listening to Jr. Senator discuss President Trump, made me long for Stuart Smalley. To be honest, my most fervent wish is that Stuart Smalley makes an appearance on SNL, and do his “inner child” process with Donald Trump (i.e. Alec Baldwin). The truth is that the malignant narcissism deeply inherent in Mr. Trump’s personality is, in reality, an out of control and fearful inner child. Further, Donald Trump’s inner child is running the fucking country! Do you hear that GOPers? That little boy is a raging schoolyard bully, with ADD and impulse problems. That’s the leader of the free world. The nasty adolescent, who gave a teacher a black eye, is like The Bad Seed – he doesn’t feel empathy. Remember The Bad Seed? It was a book and a film about a cute little blond girl who is a serial killer.
For months now, many of us have been witnessing the 71-year old leader of the free world act like a 13-year old, with a substandard emotional IQ. A 13-year old boy, inside a lumbering monster of a man, is on the world’s stage, wreaking havoc – and accomplishing nothing except divisiveness. Donald’s “inner child,” was freeze-dried as a kid, is deeply wounded, competitive, angry, defiant, oppositional, self-absorbed, insecure, not very intelligent, without character, and without a sense of self.
The point is that Donald Trump’s inner child is a HOT MESS. Here’s where Stuart Smiley could ride in on a white hobbyhorse and help.
Here’s my fantasy where Stuart Smalley “facilitates” a 12-step session with President Donald J. Trump:
THE SCENE OPENS with Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump, sitting in a chair, next to Senator Al Franken, as Stuart Smalley (wearing the blond wig).
Stuart Smalley: “Hi Mr. President. Welcome to my all-new YouTube channel. I see from watching television, that you may have some extreme emotional pain? Is that true? I think so. I think that you’re suffering, and I really think I can help you Donald. Please repeat after me:
Stuart: (Facing President Trump) “It’s all gonna be ok, cuz I’m good enough.”
Trump: “It’s all gonna be okay, cuz I’m good enough.”
Stuart: “I’m smart enough.”
Trump: “I’m smart enough. I really am.”
Stuart: “And doggone, people LIKE me.”
Trump: “They do???”
No matter how hilarious it would play, it is doubtful that Senator Franken would ever agree to appear on Saturday Night Live. Such a choice could potentially ruin the 2018 mid-term elections. It doesn’t change the fact, however, that the comic’s daughter can dream, can’t she?